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Carly's Story

2015 Archive

Dec 08

I’m sorry it has been a while since I’ve posted, but, been busy with the holiday’s, working, and spending lots of cuddle time with my girl. Carly’s levels bounced back after waiting another week for the chemo treatment, so, they have decided to keep the level of medicine the same, but just push the treatments […]

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Nov 22

  Well, that was a real bummer. Took Carly to OSU for her second chemo treatment, but bloodwork failed to pass the stipulations. Her white blood cell count was very low at 700, and they will not do the chemo treatment unless it is 2,000+ because it will make her really sick. We don’t want […]

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Nov 12

So, we took Carly and had her blood work done to make sure the chemo was at the right amount and was not affecting her white cell count or her liver. All looks great. We go back in 2 weeks for round 2 of chemo. We got a little frustrated at this visit because they […]

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Nov 04

Well, so far, Carly has not had any side effects with the chemo treatment other than maybe some lethargy. Appetite is as good as ever! Yeah! I’m trying to find a better dog food for her though. She was on Pedigree Healthy Joints before, and I noticed the first ingredient is Corn, which is not […]

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Nov 02

Well, we had our first chemo appointment today. It was a long day because they ran more blood work and also did X-ray’s of her lungs again to make sure they were following the right path of treatment. So…blood work came back great! Lungs were clear of metastases! Yeah Carly!! I know that this still […]

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