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Carly's Story

2016 Archive

Sep 17

So blessed for this girl right here. Had her most recent check up on her ampuversary! Things still are looking clear! I get nervous every time we go, afraid of the worst. She has been doing great. Although she did gain a few pounds, so we are working on that. She is still her same […]

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Jul 16

Well, was trying to add a new picture of our girl, but that will have to wait. Had another 2 month check up, and we are still blessed to have her clear of any of that nasty stuff. We can’t be any more thankful to continue to enjoy life with our Tripawd! I will admit, […]

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May 22

What a wonderful birthday we had! We went to the vet for her 2 month check up since her last chemo treatment, and X-ray’s were clear of mestasis! She is in good health, and in great spirits!  The doctor’s were actually fighting over who would get to take care of her when we took her! […]

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Apr 08

  Hello everyone. Yes, I know it has been quite a while since I’ve posted an update, but had a lot of personal things going on so haven’t had time, nor have I been in the right mindset. But, here I am now! Carly is doing great! She had her last chemo treatment a month […]

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Jan 27

I know it has been a little while. Carly is doing well. She had her 4th round of Carboplatin yesterday, and besides being really tired after the big day, she has done great! She is getting around great although got mad at us when we put up a temporary fence to keep her off the […]

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