This is the hardest post that I’ve had to write thus far. I don’t even know what to say. Carly is a great girl. She was sure one to envy. I envied her strength, her determination, and her unconditional love for all of us. I honestly thought we were in the clear. She beat all the odds, a year and a half! But, I guess that is what cancer does best, tricks us. Carly spiked a fever out of nowhere on Thursday, April 13th. She seemed very lethargic, and just not herself. We also noticed some swelling in her paws, which is probably why she was not as active. She was still eating, drinking and going out to the restroom. We took her to the vet on Friday the 14th, and they drew blood and took an xray. It showed the spot on her lung had gotten bigger, so we knew the newest chemo drug Palladia was not working so we stopped it. We waited for the blood work to come back, and they called us Saturday, the 15th at 7 am, letting us know there were no signs of infection in her blood, that it had to be a condition called HO which is related to metastasis in her lungs. They said it is very painful, and even steroids would not ease the pain enough. We had every intention of getting her the medicine, and spending more days with her, as long as she was not in pain. We were not prepared to make that decision, but we knew she was hurting, and we knew that was the one thing we did not want. So, called the vet and scheduled for us to take her in. We spent the afternoon with her, treasuring every tail wag, and ever cuddle we could. I fed her her favorite chicken sandwich and fries from Wendy’s and Gatorade ice cubes, and my husband gave her some strawberry pie with whip cream. As you can see from the above pictures, she was still so happy. As painful as it was for her to walk/hop, she still did, right out to the car. She loved her rides so much. On Monday, April 17th, we took her on her last ride. I never want to go through that again. She was still wagging her tail and so happy as she drifted off to sleep. It’s not fair. Our lives will never be the same. We spent the last 2 years, since her diagnosis, tending to her, babying her, changed things around the house so she could get around better. Our world revolved around her. I held the bowl for her while she ate, every day, twice a day because I didn’t want her to have to lean over after her surgery. Made sure she got the right medication, every day, 2-3 times a day. From the day she started limping, I have not slept without her, besides when she had her surgery and was at the vet. My husband made me a bed in the living room so I could be with her. She has been our life for so long. Everywhere at the house, everything we do, reminds us of her. I know that she is happy, and pain free now, up in Heaven, with all 4 legs, playing with her mom and dad, but it is still so hard. I’m not sure if I will be able to post again. Thank you all for your kind words, and support and advice throughout Carly’s journey. It helped more than you know.
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